
Responsible gaming

Gaming should be a source of excitement and enjoyment. You can enjoy safe and secure gaming by following the gaming guidelines and using the tools we provide

Age limit

You must be 18 years of age or over to play games offered by Norsk Tipping. Research shows that the younger you are when you start gaming, the greater the risk of developing gaming problems. As the functions of the brain are not fully developed in children and young persons, they are not able to assess risk as well as adults.

Gaming guidelines

We recommend that you follow these guidelines to ensure you are aware of and have control of your gaming habits.

  1. You must be 18 years of age or over in order to play
  2. Decide in advance how much you can afford to lose
  3. Decide in advance how much time you can spend gaming
  4. Do not spend more than you are comfortable with telling your family or friends
  5. Never believe that you can win back your losses
  6. Winnings are more or less entirely the result of chance and pure luck
  7. Never borrow money for gaming

Game limits

Game limits help you not use more money and time than you intend to.

Gambling account overview

Your gaming overview provides you with a summary of how much money you have spent at any given time.

Play breaks and exclusion

From time to time you may feel you need to take a break from gaming or block your access to gaming entirely (exclusion).

Gaming breaks


Spillepuls is a system that monitors your gaming habits. If your gaming behaviour changes such that your risk of developing problems is increasing, you will receive a notification.

Gambling problems

Are you losing control of your gambling habits, or do you suspect that someone close to you has developed a gambling problem?

People with gambling problems frequently hide their issues from those close to them. Common indicators of gambling problems or risky gambling behaviour may include the following:

  • You cannot stop thinking about gaming, and experience a craving for it.
  • You feel a need always to be increasing your stakes, and you play more frequently.
  • You tell lies in order to conceal how much time and money you are spending.
  • You attempt to win back the money you have lost.
  • You believe that it’s just a question of not giving up, and not letting the chance slip away.
  • You juggle your finances and stake money that you should really be spending on other things. Perhaps you have borrowed money in order to play?

Do you want to talk with us?

Do you use too much time and energy on gambling? Do you lie about how much you gamble and try to hide it from others? Are you concerned about the gambling habits of someone you know?

Whoever it concerns, either yourself or someone you care about, it’s possible to get help. We can help with advice via telephone or e-mail. This service is free of charge.

Send us an e-mail and we’ll get in touch with you.


Calls are treated anonymously and are free of charge. Here you can talk to health professionals who specialise in gaming problems about your situation.

The Helpline can also offer you advice about how to seek further help. They can assist you in finding suitable services in your area.



NO Spillavhengighet Norge

Spillavhengighet Norge is an aid network organisation that focuses on providing help to persons with gaming problems, and their next of kin. 

Spillavhengighet Norge offers network discussion groups in the major Norwegian cities, as well as a help line.

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General practitioner

If you are diagnosed with gambling problems and/or dependency, you are entitled to treatment. Your GP can help you and refer you for treatment. Someone with a gaming dependency may also develop other conditions as a result of the problem, such as anxiety or depression, which should also be treated. Your GP will also be able to help you here.

Remote treatment online

The Norwegian health service offers remote treatment for gambling problems via the internet. This involves a series of tasks carried out online, combined with weekly telephone consultations with a therapist. Treatment takes place over a three-month period, requires no referral from your GP and is free of charge.

Other help sites